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  • Con Slobodchikoff, Ph.D.
    Slobodchikoff is President and CEO of Animal Communications, Ltd., specializing in pet behavior problems and in educating people about the behavior of animals.

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April 15, 2009


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pet insurance

people also forget that pets in abusive households get hurt too

Seamus Mulcahy

Dear Karen London,

I've enjoyed reading your articles here and in BARK magazine. I'm in the middle of researching and studying dog separation anxiety for a company that I started two years ago with my uncle. You see I'm an actor in New York City and to make a long story short I thought wouldn't it be great if DVD could be made to help dogs with their separation anxiety, and wouldn't it be super if the DVD could also be enjoyed by the dogs owners once they return home. So I've created The Dog Film Company, and our first DVD called "Shakespaws" (yes dogs performing shakespeare scenes) It's an excellent way to spend quality time with your dog at home.

We're just about to release it, our website is being created as I write to you. I'd really like to send you a copy of our DVD and hear your thoughts about it.

Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you.
Seamus Mulcahy
Dublin (Boston Terrier)

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