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  • Con Slobodchikoff, Ph.D.
    Slobodchikoff is President and CEO of Animal Communications, Ltd., specializing in pet behavior problems and in educating people about the behavior of animals.

« Size Of Tail Messes Up Dog Language | Main | Snow Changes Dogs »

January 18, 2011


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All dogs have the capability to do the same thing.
If we took the time to teach them gentally, we would be surprised at the things they are capable of doing.
I had a chihuahua that was almost as bright as this dog here.
With one or two words her knew exactly what we were saying, After a while of training, we had to spell somethings around him, the dog was smarter than some people are.
I have always thought that animals are gifts from God, and never to be abused.

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Nancy Frensley, CPDT, CAP2

my dog also has started to body slam me and other dogs, so your saying lean forward and sideways, and these dogs won't body slam me??? I have a bad knee and get worried about hurting it again! Are you sure that's all it takes. I feel I need a hockey stick to protect my self sometime??? I need HELP!


Body slamming is a learned behavior but can also be caused by dogs just being too wild (aroused) when they are playing. It is not a good play behavior so, for starters, start calling your dog out of play if whenever any slamming starts. Allow him to calm down before returning to play. As far as your dog hitting your legs, I can sympathize as I am healing a knee injury and anything hitting my leg can be painful.

Besides working toward the goal of getting your dog to play calmer games with other dogs, it really will help to carry a walking stick to block the dogs as they come close to your legs. Don't hit the dog, just hold it out to keep him away from your legs. You can also hold both hands out in a blocking motion if you don't have anything with you. The dog will learn to make a path around you instead of charging right at you. If your dog is hitting your legs while on leash, heel training will help but not right away. Again, having an object between you and your dog will keep him off your leg until he starts avoiding it on his own.

You really have to keep your eye on your dog and block him until he has learned to go around you and walk beside you in a straight line.

It won't hurt to get some professional help to train in behaviors that are counter to running into you.

Debbie and Shasta

I walk my pup 8 months mini Aussie a lot, in the snow and a lot of dogs that play with my dog body slam, my dog also has started to body slam me and other dogs, so your saying lean forward and sideways, and these dogs won't body slam me??? I have a bad knee and get worried about hurting it again! Are you sure that's all it takes. I feel I need a hockey stick to protect my self sometime??? I need HELP!

Randall Johnson

Simply amazing! Little by little, science is proving what most dog owners have known all along...and then some.
I'm now beginning to wonder about cats, largely because my household now includes a family of domestic felines. Although they don't have the same 'partnership' relationship with our species as dogs do, I'm led to wonder if they, too, are able to learn some words while living in a human family group.
Food for thought...and perhaps future research.
Anyway, thanks for a great post.

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