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  • Con Slobodchikoff, Ph.D.
    Slobodchikoff is President and CEO of Animal Communications, Ltd., specializing in pet behavior problems and in educating people about the behavior of animals.

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January 28, 2011


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Josh Brown

I just ran across your post. It's funny (and true) how snow changes dogs.

We got a significant amount of snow this year - our German Shepherds love it!

You can see some of our pictures on our website at


I was just out letting the dogs burn off some steam today for the 2012 Alaska winter season. I put up some fun pictures here if you want to check them out.


Heh so true!

Though, I get no break in other seasons because I get the same energy explosion when it rains! Being wet somehow gives my dog tons of energy, and it lasts even inside because he hasn't dried off yet!

I've been trying to find out why this is for the longest. I found ONE explanation a while back and never again.

Julie Hecht

Great post! I just stumbled across this blog. I wanted to share a link to a blog that nicely captures dogs and snow : )


Here along the Wasatch Front in Utah, we don't get snow nearly often enough to satisfy my Golden Jack! He is absolutely ecstatic when there's snow outside for him to eat, roll around in, catch in his face, and even to lounge in! There isn't a better time to watch him play than when he's in a fresh snowfall.


I look forward to the winter for that very reason! My dog simply wilts in the summer (and ok, so do I) but comes alive in the winter. I love watching her race through the snow.

Good thing too, since where I live gets an average of 121 inches a year.

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