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  • Con Slobodchikoff, Ph.D.
    Slobodchikoff is President and CEO of Animal Communications, Ltd., specializing in pet behavior problems and in educating people about the behavior of animals.

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February 08, 2014


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Kevin Behan

I would like to suggest that switching from dominance to positive is a shift within a paradigm, it does not constitute a shift from one paradigm to another.

Rebecca Brame

I was also inspired by a dog to change the way I trained- although the lesson was not as dramatic as Red's. I loved to read about the communication exchange between you and Red- that you were able to see past being hurt and look at your methods as a result of his actions- and to Red for going easier than he could have on you! Love the positive spin on life- it really does make all the difference! Great post

Laurie Luck - Smart Dog University

Nice article, Stephen. I, too, came from a more old-fashioned way of doing things and also, thankfully, have a dog to thank for putting me on a different course. Everything you write is true -- it's a journey, when you make the switch (and mine took a little while) you begin to apply the principles to your whole life. And man, it's a much better life when you're viewing from a more positive lens.

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